
Hail vs SPF – Will a Spray Foam Roof Hold Up?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

So, you’re thinking about a spray foam roof? After viewing the pros and cons of a spray foam roof, you determine that a spray foam roof is right for my building. But then you think…shoot, what if it gets pulverized by hail and I’m back at square one? This article will cover: Ready, lets go! A few statistics on hail …


Which Roofing System Performs Best Against Hail?

Greg PalyaOther

The slew of roofing options available today can confuse even the most technical building owners. Where do you start? Which one is best? How do you avoid choosing the wrong roofing option and having issues for years to come? Decisions, decisions. And when it comes to choosing the best roofing system to perform against hail, the differences can be tremendous. …