spray foam roofing installed in Melbourne, Florida

Spray Foam Roof in Florida? 5 Things to Consider Before Buying

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

 Ah, Florida. The land of sun tans, perfect bodies, and…extreme heat. The temperatures in upper Florida, near Jacksonville, average 90 degrees in the Summer months, while temperatures in lower Florida, near Miami, can average around 96 degrees. It’s no wonder why so many Floridian building owners want to install spray foam roofs. Wouldn’t it be great to have a roofing …

Lies roofing contractors tell business owners

4 Lies Roofing Contractors Tell Building Owners

Greg PalyaRoofing Contractors

Let’s say you need to make an important decision. You’re about to purchase a used vehicle and you see the exact same car at two different dealerships. Which place are you going to purchase your vehicle from? Since you’re a smart decision-maker, you decide to ask each dealership questions such as: Here are the responses you get: Dealership #1 – …

Warranties you can get on a spray foam roof

What Warranties Come with a Spray Foam Roof?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

When getting a spray foam roof installed, every building owner is curious about warranties and what options they can choose from. But did you know that there are four different spray foam roofing warranty options? Since we’ve been installing spray foam roofing systems for more than 40 years, we wanted to share our knowledge about these four warranties to help …

Spray foam roofing over a shingle roof

How to Stop a Roof Leak on a Shingle Roof?

Greg PalyaOther

 Looking for a way to stop the leaks on your shingle roof? If so, you have a few options. You can replace the shingles with new ones, or you can install spray foam. You may be thinking, “Spray foam? That’ll make my roof look, well…not the greatest.” If aesthetics are important to your business or building, spraying foam over your …

spray foam roofing over penetration skylight

What Is the Best Roofing System Against Penetrations?

Greg PalyaOther

If you’re a building owner or property manager, when it comes time to decide on which roofing system is right for your building, there are many variables to consider: But one variable to consider is how your new roofing system will be applied around all your roof penetrations. If you have a roof with multiple HVAC units and pipes running …