Here’s a strong statement to start this off. Every single roofing system, metal, single-ply, built-up, spray foam, etc., they will all get holes and punctures. But as a building owner, why should you care? It would be nice to know the answers to a few questions, such as: And more and more. In this article, we answer all the questions …
Spray Foam Roofing 101: 6 Basics You Need to Know
Here’s an introduction to spray foam roofing, which will cover these six points: Let’s get started… 1. What is spray foam roofing? Spray foam roofing is a watertight roofing system that has three parts: The foam is produced by combining and heating two chemicals. These chemicals are pumped from a truck, transferred through a heated hose, and then sprayed onto …
The Best Roof for a Cold Storage Facility
Imagine you’re the building owner of a cold storage facility and you have roofing issues. Say a few leaks here and there. In every market, competition is fierce, and margins are thin. But since your building needs to be 40 degrees or lower constantly, you’re paying more to cool your building down than your competition, which has an airtight roofing …
The Dangers of Off-Ratio Spray Foam for Commercial Roofing
Imagine you’re a building owner and you have a roof leak. You research all the commercial roofing systems, the pros and cons of each, pricing, etc. You know what you want…a spray foam roof. You get a few quotes and choose the cheapest contractor. Spray foam installation is spray foam installation…right? Year 3, your spray foam roof looks like a …
What’s the Recommended Thickness of a Spray Foam Roof?
You may be wondering, spray foam roofs get spray applied, meaning they can be a ½ inch, 2 inches, or 10 inches, or really any thickness a spray foam applicator feels like doing. But what thickness is most beneficial to my roof? I don’t want the costs of applying additional foam to outweigh the benefits it will provide. This is …
What R-Value Is Needed for a Commercial Roof?
You may wonder if there’s a certain R-value you need to hit to comply with building codes. The short answer is, if you need to remove your roofing system all the way down to the deck, then yes, you need to comply with the latest minimal R-value requirements. If you can re-roof over your existing roof, then you don’t. To …
Spray Foam Roofing for Apartment Complexes: Pros and Cons
So, you’re the owner of an apartment complex and you’re having some roofing problems. Renters in building 2 say there are brown spots forming on the ceiling. Renters in building 7 say parts of the roof have been blown off and are lying in the front yard. You’ve got some roofing issues and you need them solved. Should you go …
4 Ways a Cool Roof Benefits an Industrial Building
Summary: Minimizes tear-off, grants a new 10-20 year warranty, reduces roof temp which saves on energy bills and HVAC usage, and minimizes business interruption. Maybe you manufacture boxes…or perhaps you make fishing rods and reels. Whatever you “make,” you must ensure your commercial roof works as well as possible. If you have any of these issues: A “cool roof” might …
What Commercial Roof Types Can Spray Foam Be Installed Over?
You may have heard from a friend, an article, or a colleague that you should look into a spray polyurethane foam roof. You may have heard that it’s seamless, has great R-value, and in most cases, it won’t require complete removal of the current roof, which is great for landfills and the environment. But, you might be thinking, “Can spray …
Good vs Bad Spray Foam Roofing Contractors: 5 Differences
So, your commercial roof has some leaks. You research repair vs restoration vs complete tear-off, and you realize there are many advantages of installing a spray polyurethane foam roof. The advantages that stick out most are: You chose your roofing contractor and got the work done. Three months in, you’re looking at the latest electric bill to see how much …