4 Common Mistakes Building Owners Make with Their Roof

Rufus WestWest Roofing Systems News

A commercial roof is a significant investment for building owners, an investment that has a lot of moving parts. From finding a contractor to picking a product, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

In this article, we will talk about the four most common mistakes we see building owners make when they install a new commercial roof system.

Choosing the Least Expensive Option

Roof Consultation

A new commercial roof is not a small purchase; whether you just purchased a new building or your aged roof is leaking, it’s daunting to think about jumping into such a big investment. 

Commercial roofing is not a one size fits all approach. Many factors can affect your quote, from the weather to the size and the location of your building. The least expensive option may not always be the best option, and in most cases, the best value is the option that falls right in the middle of the prices. You not only want the service of the contractor, but you want it within budget, on time, and you want a long-lasting product.

Not Doing Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is regularly planned repairs and maintenance performed on your building before leaks or other issues arrive. Preventative maintenance can keep your roof in working order and save you money in the long run.

Preventative Maintenance includes:

  • Regular Inspections
  • Cleaning Gutters
  • Re-sealing Penetrations
  • Debris Removal
  • Small General Repairs

Roofing Maintenance Plans

A maintenance plan for a commercial flat roof is a program facilitated by a commercial roofing contractor to perform regular inspections, cleaning, and maintenance of a commercial roof to prevent more severe damage from occurring.

An average roof warranty requires at least one roof inspection to be performed a year by an authorized contractor. This requirement is beneficial for the property owner and the company that issues the warranty. During the yearly inspection, the inspector will check for not only current problems but areas that could turn into problems in the future. This allows repairs to be made before they grow larger and become costly.

5 Actionable Steps to Protect Your Roof That You Can Start Today

Our maintenance and service team at West Roofing Systems receives calls every day to buildings that have damage, leaks or significant damage. We believe that these types of calls can be avoided with protective actions.

  1. Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts
  2. Clear Low Hanging Branches
  3. Pick-Up Loose Equipment and Trash
  4. Review Your Roof Warranty
  5. Sign Up for A Maintenance Plan

Letting Their Warranty Expire

Roof warranties are essential to protect yourself and your building from faulty products and costly repairs. An expired roof warranty is a reminder that you have an aged roof that you need to keep in working condition.

If you don’t have a warranty on your roof system, (or if you have a voided warranty on your roof system), it means that the cost for every repair and visit from a roofing contractor is coming out of pocket. While an inspection or a small repair may not cost a lot of money, if you discover a leak or major damage to your roof, it could be a significant financial hit to you or your company.

If your roof warranty is about to expire, yet you have a roof in good condition, you can add Silicone and extend your warranty. Learn more about SRM – Silicone Restoration Membrane in our video below:


Choosing the Wrong Contractor

As with any service industry, you have good contractors, bad contractors, and people who aren’t contractors at all. As an owner/project manager, it’s important for you to take on your due diligence by researching and vetting all of your contractors and vendors.

How To Pay For Your New Commercial Roof

4 Red Flags of a Disreputable Contractor

  1. No Portfolio or References – Whether they are in the form of portfolios, case studies or project write-ups; you want to make sure that not only have they completed jobs similar to your facility, but you want to see the type of work they do via photos and videos.
  2. No Insurance or License – Any reputable, licensed contractor expects to be asked by customers to see their license or letter of Good Standing up front. If the contractor doesn’t provide a license in the first meeting, don’t hire until you see it.
  3. Cash Only Payments Accepted – Cash only payment should be a huge red flag; there are a few reasons for a contractor to only want cold hard cash from you…and most of them are no good.
  4. Poor Communication or High-Pressure Sales – It’s a red flag if your contractor is pressuring you to move forward, make a commitment, or sign a contract that you are not ready for.

Choosing West Roofing Systems as a turnkey roofing company will provide you with highly trained teams and award-winning service. Our services are flexible and diverse; we can recoat, repair or replace your facility’s roof so that it lasts decades.

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About the Author

Rufus West