The Simple Pricing Calculator


And welcome to the ballpark price calculator.

We say "ballpark" because there are SOOOOOOOO MANY VARIABLES when it comes to cost.

There are hundreds of variables that can influence cost, such as:

  • Would you like a 10-year warranty...or 20-year? A longer warranty requires a thicker coating application.
  • Is there a certain R-value you're trying to achieve? A higher R-value requires a thicker spray foam application.
  • What's the condition of the existing roof? Does it need 100% torn off, 20% torn off, or can we spray or coat right over what you already have?

Please check out the articles below to understand the most popular factors that influence costs:

Disclaimer: The above costs are based on information provided and can vary significantly based on actual conditions during the roof inspection. Please schedule a roof evaluation for accurate pricing.