spray foam application on commercial roof

Does Spray Foam Stop Roof Leaks?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

 So, you’re wondering if spray foam can stop a roof from leaking? The answer is yes. But you probably have other questions, such as:  We will answer all of these questions below.   What is spray foam roofing? Spray Foam Roofing is a material that’s sprayed as a liquid and expands into a foam, creating a solid monolithic layer of …

how does spray foam roofing work

How Does Spray Foam Roofing Work?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

Say you’re a building owner. Say you’re having roof issues. Say you’d like to take care of the problem as quickly…and as cost-effectively as possible. If this is you, I’d like to introduce you to a roofing system that most don’t know about. It’s called spray polyurethane foam roofing and we’ll explain how the system works below. Before we get …

review of spray foam roof at Masterbolt

Review of a Spray Foam Roof

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

On 9/3/2020, Greg Palya, Digital Content Manager for West Roofing Systems, Inc. interviewed Kenny Vance, General Manager for Master Bolt & Manufacturing. Master Bolt’s spray foam installation date: June 14, 2019 Location of Master Bolt & Manufacturing: Elyria, OH Number of sq. ft. of spray foam installed: About 35,000 in 4 different sections/phases  Goal of this review: In the commercial …

spray foam over a leaking commercial roof

Can You Spray Foam Over an Existing Leaky Roof?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

 Yes, you can install a spray foam roofing system over an existing commercial roof. But did you know that some commercial roofs are ineligible for a spray foam application? And for some roofs, it’s illegal to add another roofing system on top of what’s already there? Here are some common questions we’ll answer below:  At West Roofing Systems, informing a …

renewing a spray foam roof

How Is a Spray Foam Roof Renewable?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

Wouldn’t it be great if your vehicle were completely renewable? All you would have to do is bring your vehicle to a mechanic every 5 years, they make minor repairs/maintenance such as: After your car is repaired, you schedule your next appointment 5 years from now and that’s it. Everyone wishes car maintenance can be so easy. Why? Because you …

roofer adding granules to a spray foam roof

How Fast Can a Spray Foam Roof Be Completed?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

The short answer is that it depends. It depends on many factors, such as: We randomly looked at 10 spray foam roofing jobs. The average amount of spray foam installed daily was around 1940 sq. ft. However, there are two outliers, Client 7 (too much foam installed) and Client 3 (not enough foam installed). When you remove these outliers, the …

spray foam scarfing

What Is Spray Foam Scarfing?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

You may have heard the term “spray foam scarfing” before. But what is it? Why does it need to be done? How can a building owner with a spray foam roof prevent scarfing? We’ll dive into each of these questions below. To make sure you’re getting correct information here, I wanted to point out that West Roofing Systems has been …

hole fixed on a spray foam roof

Can a Spray Foam Roof Get Holes or Punctures?

Greg PalyaSpray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

 Here’s a strong statement to start this off. Every single roofing system, metal, single-ply, built-up, spray foam, etc., they will all get holes and punctures. But as a building owner, why should you care? It would be nice to know the answers to a few questions, such as: And more and more. In this article, we answer all the questions …