foam over metal roof

How to Repair Tiny Holes in Your Commercial Roof?

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

Summary: Spray foam is fluid-applied that expands into a solid, thus it’s a great roofing system that fills in any microscopic pinholes, cracks, and leaks in an existing roof. So, your commercial roof is leaking but you’re unsure where the leaks are coming from. Could it be the seams, around that HVAC unit, etc.? If this is happening to your …

coverboard on a flat roof

What’s the Purpose of a Coverboard in Commercial Roofing?

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

Perhaps you’re collecting quotes for your roofing project and one contractor says “We need to install a coverboard before installing the new roofing system.” You think “Is that necessary?” “Why is a coverboard needed?”, “Can I go without the coverboard?” In this article we’re going to talk about: And just so you know, West Roofing Systems has been in commercial …

HOA re-roofed with spray polyurethane foam

5 Things to Consider About Your HOA’s Choice of Roofing System

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

Perhaps you’re on the board of your HOA and you have some roofing issues. And let’s say you’ve done some simple repairs for a while, and you think it’s time for a new roofing system. Which roofing system should you choose? Popular options are TPO, Metal, and Spray Polyurethane Foam. In this article, you’ll learn: And just so you know, …

torch down roof repaired with spray foam

Torch Down Roof Repair – What Options Do You Have?

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

So, you have a torch down roof and you’re looking into repair options. You’re also probably wondering about cost, warranties, if you need to rip everything off, etc. In this post, you’ll learn: I wanted to point out that we only write articles based on true events and experiences. West Roofing Systems has been in spray foam roofing since 1979. …

photo of a spray foam roof completed in Northeast Ohio in 2021.JPG

The Two Biggest Fears in Commercial Roofing

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

The two biggest fears in commercial roofing are: And rightfully so. Every building owner worries about these things. Hopefully after today, I can ease your worries and help you make the best decision. And just so you’re aware, West Roofing Systems has been in commercial roofing since 1979. We specialize in spray polyurethane foam and silicone roof coating systems. Every …

spray foam roof - used to cover roof leaks that are hard to find.JPG

What to Do If Commercial Roof Leaks Are Difficult to Track and Locate?

Greg PalyaCommercial Roofing

Quick answer: You might want to look at seamless roofing systems such as spray polyurethane foam or roof coating systems. These roof systems are fluid-applied and will cover any microscopic water entry points on your roof. So, you have a large commercial roof that’s leaking. You see where the leak is coming through the building or leaving brown spots on …

What is R-Value and Why is it Important for Commercial Roofing?

What is R-Value and Why is it Important for Commercial Roofing?

Rufus WestCommercial Roofing

Your commercial roof is your first line of defense to protect your facility from the weather; it can also play an essential role to insulate your building and regulate your energy costs. By choosing the right insulation and roofing for your building, you could save hundreds of dollars by cutting your energy bills. You can also create a proper roof …

6 Different Types of Commercial Roofing Systems

Rufus WestCommercial Roofing

What are the most popular types of commercial roofing? Which is better? Which is more reasonably priced? In this article, we will cover 6 types of commercial roofing: 1. Spray Foam Roofing Spray Foam is an eco-friendly roofing option for commercial, industrial, and manufacturing facilities.   Spray Polyurethane Foam, more commonly referred to as SPF, is a material that is sprayed …